Holiday Cheer on the Roads

So much of the holidays involves good friends and good times. But too much eggnog and problems can occur. Victoria currently ranks as the fourth highest region in the country for alcohol and drug impaired driving.

The good news is that means that our local police are doing a great job getting drivers under the influence off the road. The bad news is that we all need to plan better to stay safe and not take the wheel after partaking of a little holiday cheer.

BC has some of the toughest impaired driving laws in Canada. Blowing at even .05 can result in roadside suspensions, and that can happen after a single glass of scotch or even a glass or two of wine.

Get home safely this holiday by planning ahead:

Impaired Drivers ICBC stat 2014• Choose a designated driver who won’t be drinking

• Have a sober friend or family member pick you up

• Contact a cab company (#TAXI on your cell) or one of these services:
Call Mom (250-507-6515). Service available 24 hours.
Drive Smart Victoria (250-661-0181). Service available 6 p.m. to 2 a.m.
➣ Call My Driver in Victoria (250-516-9199). Service available everyday 12pm – 6 am.
Dial a Driver Victoria (250-580-8801). Service available everyday from 6pm – 5am.

We look forward to seeing you in the new year, drive safe and happy holidays. For more tips on safe driving click on ICBC.

Honoured to work & play on the Coast Salish Territory of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations