Keeping your Car Safe

You’ve locked the doors at home and turned on the alarm as you take off for a summer day trip or vacation. Next step is to put in place a few safety protocols to keep your car and your belongings you’re traveling with safe by avoiding break-ins:

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  • remove expensive items from your car and carry them with you;
  • if you need to stow items in the trunk or other hidden area make sure you do so well before you reach your destination – never do so in the parking garage or lot in full view of any potential thieves;
  • and, park in well-lit areas, near pedestrian traffic.

Keep your vehicle safe by keeping the gadgets on the Top 10 Items on the shopping list for potential car thieves well out of sight.

Click here to review the list of the top 10 vehicles stolen in BC in 2013 according to ICBC.

Honoured to work & play on the Coast Salish Territory of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations