Twice a year as we change the clocks for Daylight Savings time we willing give ourselves a little mini-jetlag without the great vacation photos. Stats show that this time change is challenging to deal with and in the days directly following there is a spike in accidents and oddly enough heart attacks.
Here are some tips for helping your body to adjust as quickly as your iphone does:
- Exercise early in the day and ideally outdoors catching some natural light
- Catch an early dinner to avoid digesting right before bedtime and reduce the caffeine
- Cut back on the naps – talk a brisk walk around the block to shake out the cobwebs instead. If you do nap 20 – 30 mins should be the max.
- Increase your light during the day and keep the night dark – using nightlights for late night wanderings
- Turn off your electronics at least an hour before bed instead create relaxing pre-sleep rituals like a warm bath or meditation
- Keep the bedroom cool and dark at night
- Start adjusting early, making gradual changes over a couple of days works for most adults. If you’re a parent, ideally start adjusting bedtimes by 15 mins about four days prior
It is all about rebalancing. Your internal clock or circadian rhythm is heavily influenced by patterns, behaviours, environment and drugs. You can make sure that your rhythm is dancing to a new beat simply by taking a few easy steps.
And until you adjust, take that extra second of caution and that second cup of coffee in the morning to make sure you’re ready to roll.