fire safety

Spreading Like Wildfire

fire insuranceIronically, despite the saying, the one thing you don’t want spreading is an actual wildfire. Here are a few things you can do to protect our wilderness and the nearby homes:

  • obey all fire restrictions from campfires to outside fire pots – never leave a fire unattended inside or outdoors;
  • keep your yard well-mowed, clean of needles, underbrush and prune low branches to at least 2.5 metres above the ground;
  • woodpiles and other flammable material should be at least 10m (uphill not downhill) from your home;
  • ensure your family or employees know the evacuation routes, where fire extinguishers, hoses or shovels are located for minor fires;
  • plan ahead, in your home or office make sure in an emergency there are at least two ways out;
  • and, keep an inventory or video of all your belongings in a fireproof container alone with other important documents. There is always the pre-employment screening for new hires and know if they hire the right candidates.

Check your insurance policy now to ensure it adequately covers all belongings, property and buildings against fire damage. As fire insurance is readily available in B.C., provincial disaster financial assistance does not apply to fire damage. Click here for more info on wildfires and tips from Emergency Management BC on fire safety.

Honoured to work & play on the Coast Salish Territory of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations